Phantom Flash Full Kit



The Comet “Phantom Flash” is an enduring 1930’s stick and tissue model designed by the legendary Joe Konefes. Josh Finn almost always recommends this design to those wishing to try their hand at rubber powered free flight.

This is a full laser cut kit for an outdoor-capable Phantom Flash, so it doesn’t build to a super light sub-5g airplane, but if you pay close attention to weight and scrape some excess material off the propeller, you can achieve 5-6g airframe weights which provide a 2 minute capable airplane.

Tools/materials required: rubber lubricant (son of a gun works great), winder, needle nose pliers/wire cutters, CA glue (or Duco/Ambroid/Sigment), 3M-77 spray adhesive/glue stick/nitrate dope for tissue attachment, razor blades, sandpaper, ruler, scissors.

Optional: Torque meter, turns counter (, digital scale

Build, Pt.1

Build, Pt.2

Build, Pt.3


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