Polly B old time hand launch/catapult glider



2nd place, Old Time Handlaunch, 2021 US Nationals, Joshua Finn
1st place, Old Time Catapult, 2021 Rocky Mountain Free Flight Championship, Joshua Finn
2nd place, Old Time Handlaunch, 2022 US Nationals, Joshua Finn
2nd place, Old Time Handlaunch, 2023 US Nationals, Joshua Finn
3rd place, Old Time Handlaunch, 2024 US Nationals, Joshua Finn

Carl Rambo’s 1948 Polly B is considered by many to be the ultimate old timer era glider, and it’s even competitive against modern designs. Our kit for the Polly includes everything you need to build a top quality 17″ span catapult or hand launched glider complete with the latest pop-forward dethermalizer design. The wing is removable for storage and features a screw adjuster for wing incidence. All wood is hand selected including contest grade wing blanks and C grain contest grade tail surfaces to yield the best glider possible

Polly 1948 Build Manual