Saturno V3.6 – P-30 rubber power

(2 customer reviews)



1st Place, Junior P-30, 2021 Rocky Mountain Free Flight Championship, Caleb Finn
1st Place, Junior P-30, 2022 US Nationals, Caleb Finn
2nd Place, Junior P-30, 2023 US Nationals, Caleb Finn
1st Place, Junior P-30, 2023 Rocky Mountain Free Flight Championship, Caleb Finn
1st Place, Junior P-30, 2024 US Nationals (with Echo as backup), Paul Finn
2nd Place, Senior P-30, 2024 US Nationals, Dev Goda

Saturno V3.6 is the latest version of Alexandre Cruz’s highly successful P-30 which has won numerous competitions worldwide. Flight times of 3 minutes are possible in non-thermal conditions. This latest version of Saturno has been optimized for easy, self jigging assembly using laser cutting technology, making it one of the fastest building endurance kits ever.

Our kit features all contest grade laser cut parts, hardware, competition propeller, rubber, Japanese tissue, and fuse dethermalizer components.

Saturno P-30 Manual

Flight trimming: