Easy B



Specifications: 18″ span, 20″ long, 12″ propeller, airframe weight 1.2-1.6g, 1/16″ rubber power.

Contest wins:

National Record, Youth Junior, Category III F1L, Adith Alagiri, 5/28/2022, 8:43

Easy B is named for the globally popular contest class of the same name. It uses self-jigging construction to produce a very simple, good flying airplane legal for F1L and Easy B competition flying as well as relaxed sport flights in large living rooms and gymnasiums. Our prototypes built to 1.4-1.7g, and there is some scope for weight reduction by sanding the stab spars and tapering the wingtips for those so inclined. This model is fully capable of 10 minute flights in low sites with smooth ceilings. If you’ve built a few simple models like the Pinna Flyer and Phantom Flash, this is an excellent next step!

Easy B instruction manual

Tools/materials required: rubber lubricant (son of a gun works great), winder, needle nose pliers/wire cutters, CA glue (or Duco/Ambroid/Sigment), 3M-77 spray adhesive, vaseline, razor blades, sandpaper, ruler, scissors.

Optional: Torque meter, turns counter (volareproducts.com), digital scale.