Mini Eagle – Short Kit Only



2nd Place, Mulvihill, 2024 US Nationals, Hope Finn
1st Place, Dawn Unlimited, 2024 US Nationals, Joshua Finn

Mini Eagle is a no-compromises, ultimate still air Mulvihill/Unlimited designed and tested to operate reliably in winds up to 10 mph, or even higher in experienced hands. It is capable of being tuned for motor runs of over 3 minutes while still providing continuous useful climb all the way to the end of the motor run. The climb altitude this aircraft achieves in non-thermal conditions defies description. In short, there is simply nothing like it.

Demanding construction requires very careful decision making on hardpoints in the wing and sensible wood selection for the fuselage which requires extremely stiff 12-15 lb wood for the longerons and lightweight polyspan or Dyneema fabric (Cuben fiber). In short, this is not a beginner’s airplane.

Short kit includes all ribs, hardpoints, and crossmembers. You supply hardware, stripwood, and covering. Plans are sold separately here.