Pinna Flyer II – beginner’s rubber model


SKU: PFL1 Categories: ,


Pinna Flyer is an easy to build beginner’s model that takes less than 30 minutes to build. It flies with minimal trimming required and can cover a lot of ground when fully wound.

Contact us for reduced unit prices for group rates. $10/for 10 kits and $8/30 kits or more.

Pinna Flyer II Build Manual

Pinna Flyer V1 Build Manual for models sold before 6/28/2022

Requires a razor blade or hobby knife, CA glue for assembly (you can use Elmer’s White Glue (not the “non-toxic” stuff) or Duco for kids, but it does take longer to dry), Elmer’s glue stick or 3M-77 for covering, and Dow 33 or Armor All to lubricate the motor.

Flies best when wound with a 20:1 winder or similar.

Flight demo:

Build video for Pinna Flyer V1 (do not use for Pinna Flyer II):