SPIN – beginner’s indoor autogyro



Spin is a simple model legal for the AMA Autogyro competition class. At 12″ span, it easily flies in a large living room with flights approaching 3 minutes. Flights in the 4 minute range are possible in a large gymnasium. The rotor design is based on Don Slusarczyk’s record setting Rotare which has won multitudes of national championships since its introduction in the early 1990s.

Autogyro manual

Tools/materials required: rubber lubricant (son of a gun works great), winder, needle nose pliers/wire cutters, CA glue (or Duco/Ambroid/Sigment), 3M-77 spray adhesive, cautery (indoorffsupply.com), vaseline, razor blades, sandpaper, ruler, scissors.

Optional: Torque meter, turns counter (volareproducts.com), digital scale

Flight demo: