Switchblade FAI Rocket Glider




Building upon the legacy of the famed Switchblade-S, this new FAI variant has already proven itself worthy of the name by winning both Junior and Senior qualifications in the 2024 USA FAI program before winning 2nd in Senior and 3rd and 4th in Junior at the finals in Pueblo, CO. If that isn’t convincing enough, this design then achieved a new Junior 1/2A record of 3:49 at NSL East 2024.

Switchblade FAI instruction manual

Capable of over 2 minutes in dead air, this model floats beautifully and hunts lift impressively well for its small size.

Does not include rocket engines, launch pad, or ignition controller.

Kit includes:

– Hand selected contest grade balsa
– Formed wire components
– All hardware for mechanisms
– Detailed instruction manual

Required for completion:

– Basic assembly tools such as hobby knife, CA glue, and sand paper
– Estes 1/2A3-2T, A3-2T, or A3-4T engines
– Launch pad and controller