Josh bought an imported kit of the Yashinskiy F1N earlier this year after Bill Gowen imported several of them. This design has absolutely dominated the Eastern European F1N (indoor hand launched glider) for the past few years, and for good reason. The fuselage alone is enough to make them desirable. It’s incredibly stiff but only weighs 1.3g. Mikhail makes these himself.
Here are the plans:
And here’s what you get in the kit (yes, pre-assembled, pre tapered wing panels–you only need to sand the leading edge profile!):
And some views of the finished model:
Complete build video:
Flight footage:
An interesting launch technique:
J&H Aerospace now produces a domestically available glider similar to this model, the Super Cat’s Meow.
Hi Joshua,
Please add me to the “proposed’ waiting list for the Mikhail Yashinskiy F1N chuck glider.
Hi Joshua,
Please add me to the “proposed” waiting list for at least one of the Mikhail Yashinskiy F1N chuck gliders.
Phil Hertel
4843 Ash Street
Astoria, Oregon 97103
I would like to ask where and how much to get the F1N from Mikhail Yashinski?
Thank you for the answer
Jan Melika
Jan, best I can tell you is to click the link to the Facebook group in the video description and post in there a request to purchase one. You may have to do this multiple times.
Hi, what is the balsa and the foam thickness used on this plane?
Wing is 1/8″ thick at the high point, tapered per the section shown. Tails are 1/32″ thick.
Write me a mail
do you have a contact for ordering one of these kits for the Mihkail Yashinskiy F1N, or can we get from your site? I tried the facebook page but did not have much success.
If not, Is there a way to down load the plan other than what is on this page.?
Guy, keep messaging him and posting requests in the group until he responds. That is the only way I know of to get in touch with Mikhail. The plan on this page is in the facebook group somewhere. I can’t remember who originally posted it.
I built one yesterday from the plans on this page. Since I did not have a printer to scale up the page, it was difficult to get accurate outlines of the balsa parts for the wing. My model looks similar and close to the specs (after some “adjusting”). Trimming is proving to be more challenging that the Protege Elite. Hopefully I can get it flying to show my SO kids what they can do after SO.
Please add me to the list for a Yashinskiy kit. I would like to fly both the JH Aero version and Mikhail’s !
Craig Roberts
On the plans, what does the “2.25” on the leading edge of the wing mean? I am trying to figure out the thickness of the wing… Thanks!
I’m assuming that’s the thickness of the wing at the wing root, but not completely sure of that myself.
Did these ever become available?
Wayne, we ran into trouble getting them consistently, so we developed our own design which flies just as well: