Josh built this ridiculously tiny airplane. Here are the specs, so you can try to beat his 10 second record!

The wood sizes are as follows:
Motorstick: 0.020″x0.045″
Wing posts: 0.020″ sq
Tailboom: 0.020″ sq
Bearing, hook, and shaft: 0.006″ spring steel
Wing spars: 0.020″x.015″
Ribs: 0.020″x.010″
Stab spars and ribs: 0.020″x.015″
Prop spars: 0.020″ sq
Prop blades: 0.010″ sheet
Covering: OS film
Fact check: despite the claims of some, the matchbox flyers were NOT smaller than this airplane. The internet literally being forever, we can still access this important historical information:
Build video, Part 1:
Build video Part 2:
Ohohohooo. You think you beat me on this? You are darn lucky that I don’t have any 1/64 wood! I’d strip that square, then use 1/16 as the motorstick and 1/32 as the TB…
Grr. You’re not escaping me! >=)
It’s hard to see how thin your rubber is.
Have you heard of #107 3/4” orthodontic rubber?
These bands are soft gold and have a break weight of 2.5 oz.
This is Tan Supersport, which has a much better stretch ratio than orthodontic bands. I stripped it to about .006″ thickness, so about 1/4 the thickness of an orthodontic band.
Wow that’s tiny, I don’t think I could even see that small let alone cu5 it that thin!