Spinster DLG – Free Plans!

J&H Aerospace is pleased to announce the successful completion of the new Spinster DLG, a super low-tech DLG that will cost about $30 to build and serves as an excellent introduction to DLG/F3K. It only takes a couple of evenings to build and has a removable wing so you can easily transport it to the flying field!

You will need the following materials to build this model:

  1. 1 sheet of Adams foam board
  2. 1 sheet of 3/32″x3″x36″ balsa, preferably C-grain
  3. 1 carbon fiber arrow shaft or Goodwinds.com boom, at least 32″ long (NOT a pultruded boom–those are too heavy).
  4. 4 micro servos; the Hextronic/Towerpro 9 g analog servos are more than sufficient. Search Ebay for “9g servo” to find the current lowest prices.
  5. 1 4+ channel micro receiver. Banggood has reliable dsm2 receivers for $6.
  6. 1 round cell Lipo battery (Turnigy 1000 mah is excellent).
  7. 1 Jst connector for the battery.
  8. Up to 3 servo extension wires (battery and aileron servos, depending upon length of wires–I only needed a battery extension).
  9. 1 small piece of 1/4″ balsa sheet.
  10. 1 piece of 1/64″ plywood (5″x5″ is sufficient).
  11. 1 piece of 1/32″ plywood (2″x2″ is sufficient).
  12. 1 piece of 1/16″ plywood (3″x10″ is sufficient).
  13. 1 .070″x.437″x23″ Carbon Rectangle strip from CST.
  14. 1 .016″x.118″ Carbon Rectangle strip from CST (at least 5″ long)
  15. 30 lb test spiderwire braided fishing line.
  16. 1 36″ length of .039 piano wire.
  17. 1 small block of blue foam or similar (at least 2″ cube).
  18. 1 sheet of computer paper.
  19. Masking tape, packing tape (or Blenderm), CA glue, and hot glue.

While it is possible to fly this model with a 4 channel radio, you will need to fly with a forward CG and use a y connector to slave the ailerons, which will eliminate the flapperon function. DLGs are very mode-sensitive (I use 1/8″ flapperon droop in glide and 45 degrees droop for landing). I recommend at minimum a Spektrum DX6i or equivalent (Flysky i6 may be sufficient with a micro receiver).

Plans are located here:


The building guide is located here:

Spinster Build Guide

Screen shots of the plans showing the parts layout:

Stay tuned for an upcoming build article at Flitetest.com and please bear in mind that the plans are still sparse on build notes. The article will clear that up, and we will share critical segments of it here. For those wanting a head start, you should begin by watching Nerdnic’s speed wing build video, which is very similar to the building methods used for this model.

9 thoughts on “Spinster DLG – Free Plans!”

  1. Hey Joshua!

    Fantastic job on this thing. I was wondering if it would be beneficial to glass (or monokote) the balsa tail sections in order to keep the FF east moisture out of the wood. Would this be a good idea, or would it add too much tail weight?

  2. Hi Joshua –

    Do you have any more specific advice on the carbon boom? Recommended outer/inner diameter, or total weight? You say “at least” 32 inches, do you have an optimal length in mind for the design? How does the design/build-process accommodate having a different length spar? I assume there are both balance/CG issues as well as tuning of the rudder/elevator throws given a shorter/longer spar…

    E.g. looks like the stock straight wrapped-carbon tube at Goodwinds would be 0.375″ (I.D.) at 48″, around 1.6oz at that length (and over $28 in single quantity, plus shipping?). Would a smaller diameter of the “Sky Shark” P-series tube there be appropriate as well (most in 32.5″ lengths, though you could get 42″ and cut down)? Or is there a reasonable option from CST, to cut down the number of distinct orders required? (Maybe their “DPP Ultra Light Carbon Tube” 8.0 mm OD, 7.0 mm ID, 1m length, 18.1 grams @$11.50 each.)

    Meanwhile on Amazon most of the carbon-tube items are 500mm and the arrow shafts seem to be 31″ or shorter and lesser diameters as well, so those don’t look like viable alternatives.

    (Cross-post to FT Forums and JHAerospace.com – answer where you feel it will do the most good?)


  3. Hi !I watch quite a few of your videos as I see them.
    Decided to at least write and say hi and thank you for the effort to get people intrested in the hobby.you almost have me started in rubber powered .
    Love gliders of all types.would be doing Sam stuff if I could talk myself into complete scratch build.
    Having trouble getting a curate plans for free.not to good with the computer skills.
    Well God bless you and thanks a lot for the good info.
    Bob minor

  4. Hi Joshua and Hope.
    I’m building a Flitetest master series Corsair right now, but your DLG is next!!!
    What is the flutter you mentioned in the video? Is it aileron flutter? I have an early foam core bagged DLG and I know this DTF bird would shake, shimmy and probably shed something if thrown as hard as I throw mine.

    I think you two are wonderful!!! I pray God blesses your relationship as much as He has mine. Forty years and still in love!

    Take care.
    Greg USN/RET

  5. Awesome work! What’s the wing loading on the flight ready model or the total flight ready weight?

    1. I don’t remember what the wingloading worked out to, but it’s pretty low. The airframe ends up around 220g with most setups.

  6. Adams carries several types of foam board which type is recommended here?
    Why is Adams better than Dollar store varieties?

    1. James, this is an excellent question. The foam in the Dollar Tree is standard Adams Ready Board. The kits I sell use Adams water resistant foamboard as marketed by Flite Test. The advantage of the latter is that it doesn’t warp when wet and is more resistant to delaminating in wet conditions.

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